
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Grandchildren for Dummies

The Dummies books are very accurately titled.  I have read several and not learned much I didn't already know about each subject, except for the one on computers.  Please don't misunderstand. There is a lot to learn from the books, but one usually reads up on subjects they have a real interest in and therefore usually know something about.  I am certain there is some very useful information in the books about Quantum Physics,  Living Vegan, and Raising Chickens, but I really don't give a rat's hairy little behind about any of those subjects.  I do have an interest in grandchildren, and one thing is sure to be found in Grandchildren for Dummies.....although that particular book doesn't actually exist.  That one thing would be found in the first chapter, and that one thing would be that you have to have children before you can get the grandkids.

Well,  SOAP and I have three children.  Chapter one is covered.  Our children are Philip, 40, Amy, 37, and Marlie, 31.  All are married and have my grandchildren.  Phil has two girls, Amy has one girl and two boys, and Marlie has a boy and another boy due in February.  The grandchildren are all pictured in the Halloween blog.  SOAP has pictures of our kids on his blog, but I need to put them in mine as well.  After all, they are the ones that deserve the credit for the grandkids.

Marlie Thomas and Amy Cheshire
Philip Corzine
Thanks, kids.


  1. You know you are getting old when the kids you used to babysit for are 40!!!
