
Friday, October 8, 2010

Setting the Record Straight

I have decided to become a blogger in order to keep Son of a Preacher in line. He has taken significant liberties with the truth over the span of his blogging 'career' and I can no longer ignore the omissions, half truths, exaggerations, or outright premeditated lies about me.

Oh, don't get me wrong. SOME of what he says is the truth. We have been married nearly 42 years and have 3 wonderful children and 6 beautiful and talented grandchildren with the 7th due in February. We do live in San Antonio and have just downsized to Del Webb Hill Country Retreat. I'm sure there must be other truthful posts, but none come to mind at the moment.

Since I am already 58, I doubt there will be enough time to go back through the history of Son of a Preacher and straighten out all the inaccuracies of the past. I will just deal with them now, as they arise, and if a past glaring one comes to mind (or if you bring it to my attention), I will correct it. SOAP, as I will call him, has already told me today that it is simply a matter of perspective. He compared it to Fox News vs. CNN. Well, let the media war begin! I am looking forward to the challenge.


  1. Oh, Anne!
    So glad to see you blogging and setting the record straight. This should be quite interesting!

  2. Go Mom! Having grown up with Dad, I know how to "interpret" most of what he writes, but I'm glad you're going to set the record straight for everyone else. Excited to follow!

  3. I can only say it's about time someone straightened SOAP out and you are just the person to do so!...I really enjoyed your blog and watched the campsite...too cute! I am proud of your girls. BTW do you take your weapons along? Shirley D...
